Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


It Changes Again!

Hey Guys, Its Derek: Well: Dang! That's about all I can say. As it turns out, Life has thrown us another curve ball. I went through several different banks and none of them would back up my student loans because of this rotten economy. I suppose it doesn't help that tuition was nearly 14K and I wouldn't have been working as I went through Medic school. Amy and I will be heading back to Utah here in a while, but for now I think we'll try to enjoy our time here in California. I recently spoke with a past Fire Chief of mine to see if they had any open spots and luckily he agreed to offer me a spot on the department again. Once home, I plan on getting a job, supporting my family and keeping a positive attitude, I'll continue to test everywhere and anywhere that I can attempting to find a professional firefighter job near home, A task that is proving to be really tough but I dare not say impossible. In the past I have competed against more than 600 applicants for one or two positions and I'm happy that I placed 10th overall in that specific example.

In the near future we'll be dragging our family back to Utah with hopes of furthering my education and hoping to make enough money in the meantime to be able to afford Medic school on my own. Yes, I'm quite crushed that I had to leave the program that I've been in, However I'm keeping my hopes and attitude high, No sense in letting it get me down, I guess that's the simple message I'm trying to convey with this post. We're looking forward to what the future holds for us, We have no idea what that is, or what we were supposed to learn from this lesson in moving all the way out to California just to turn around and try to make it work in Utah again however I'm sure that there is a plan out there for us and we'll figure it out in time. See you all sooner or later, Until then, We're going to enjoy our time out here.


A New Chapter

The past few weeks we've had limited access to the internet, We have been staying in limbo with The Greens in Logan. It has been fun and nice, Grandma and Grandpa Green have loved having Brooklynn around.
We blessed Brooklynn in a park nearby after listening to Elder Robert D Hales speak in a Stake Conference locally, It was very uplifting. Blessing her outside was sure fun. Well: Its time for a new chapter in our lives. We are officially moving to San Jose California so Derek can attend Paramedic School at WestMed College. We're pretty excited about this opportunity. Derek will be working with San Juan Fire Department, (Well, I guess he'll be Volunteering, but he's happy to be getting back into the fire action) We will both miss Utah and all that is has to offer us, Hopefully friends and family will come visit us! Seriously, Feel free to come visit us, We'll show you a good time around the Bay Area. Its going to be a long drive.

Derek's Family 4 Generation Picture.
I guess this is one of the bonus's to blessing her outside. (Preparing for the Blessing)
