Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Its a Girl!

Amy's Belly. At 21 weeks pregnant, Sadly this is the first belly picture that we've taken.

Well, We went to the Dr. today to get our 20 week ultrasound, and found out that Its going to be a Girl! We are both really excited and filled with love for her already. We've included a few pictures from our ultrasound experience and hope that you enjoy them. This was the first time for Derek to see the baby and we both loved every second of it.
She was quite shy for a while and kept wiggling all over the place, It always seemed to be in the opposite direction that the technician wanted her to but she eventually showed her face. In this picture she's even covering her face with her 2 little arms and hands, This was right at the beginning of the ultrasound so it was quite funny.She spent most of the time facing away from where the ultrasound handle was and with some urging and poking she turned quite a bit, but she's always wiggling as has been constantly for the last few weeks. In this next picture she rolled over and showed us her back and spine, Although she was shy for quite a while and didn't really want us to see her she eventually got over it and spread both legs for us to help us find out the gender, (Female) which is what this is a picture of.This is her profile picture, It took some poking a bit to get her to keep still enough because as I've said she was moving all over the place by this point in the Ultrasound.And finally, This one is our favorite. This is another profile picture, only here She's sucking her thumb. No kidding... She's already a thumbsucker, That's going to be a tough habit for us to break her of.Derek is currently working on making a video with some of the Ultrasound pictures so that you can watch her wiggle and we are hoping to get that up in the next few weeks.


  1. We just scheduled my 20 week ultrasound that I'm sure will be just like yours! I haven't taken any belly pics...cause I have a belly, but none of it is baby! It's just pushing my guts out farther, I swear. I'll be posting a copy of this blog within five weeks. :)

  2. I'm so happy for you guys! Is it weird that I like the spine picture? I think it's kind of cool.

  3. Meh, thumb sucking isn't a big deal until they're 3 or 4. Congrats on having a girl! Pink is a fabulous color :) I've got boxes that Jodi instructed me to give you, so they're headed your way.

  4. Congrats on the girl! Girls are so much fun--pretty dresses, painting nails and fixing hair--good times! I love how the ultrasounds always have an arrow pointing to the gender; they did we when found out about Ali.

  5. Congrats! I love the picture of her covering her face, so funny!

  6. I love all of cute headbands and hair clips, but they are so expensive to buy and I am a cheapskate, so I started making them. They really are not hard to make it just takes time. If you are interested here is a website that can help get you started-
    If you want any help,, let me know.

  7. Oh my gosh you guys! This is so exciting!!! Congratulations!!!! This is Stacey by the way, (Shalese's friend) I hope you don't mind that I found your blog. I'm a big time blog stocker and I love finding new peoples blogs! I bet the Green's are going to love having more girls in the fam!

  8. Congrats guys! We're so excited for you. I guess only having girls names you liked was a sure fire sign! Congrats again.

  9. YEAH!!!! oh that is so much fun!!! sweet little thing! you can see her so good! So much fun!!!!
    Love, Mom and Shalese
    looking at it at school LOL

