Brooklynn's 6 month Pictures.

who can resists those eyes?

She always has her tongue out, its just to funny.

This one is our favorite.

I just love how she has to eat everything.
So it the last blog I promised pictures, sorry they have taken so long. In this one I think I will promise some videos to come. We have been putting our Christmas present to use.
Sense I last blogged I have begun to embark upon some..(or many) projects. I am going to start making some random crafty things: bracelets for all your watches, baby shoes, baby clothes, etc.. Living with my mom gives me the opportunity to really learn how to sew. (shes awesome at it) so I thought Iwould put her to the test. I am excited to see how it goes. I am going to try to sell them and see where it goes.
As for Brooklynn she is learning to crawl.. its coming.. I give her a week at the most. She really just wants to get up and walk. she is pulling her self up on everything if she gets the chance. She has also been rolling everywhere so there is no need for her to be crawling, she gets where she wants to go just fine.
She has started to wave hello and goodbye, its pretty cute and usually accompained by a slight "hi" sound, pretty funny. Shes also picked up on clapping. Shes really good at copying whatever you are doing, she was trying to whistle at Nana last night.
It sure is fun watching her grow up.
Derek is doing well in school. Just had his first of 4 major exams this week and passed it so that's Great. He spends his days studying if hes not at work or preparing his lesson for the 10 year olds at church. He has had one night out learning, he spent it at the labor and delivery floor in San Jose where he got to assist in delivering 4 babies, Watchinga 5th and scrubbing in for a C-Section surgery, He came home with a big bouquet of flowers for me and said this is for you for what you went through 7 months ago. He is really enjoying school.
Till next time. much love.. The Greens