Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers



Well, Brooklynn is now a week over-due. We thought and hoped that she would be here by now, Apparently she's happy and comfy in my belly. I just thought we would update those of you who are wondering as to what is going on. We went to the hospital yesterday to have a Fetal Non-Stress Test done to see how she is doing, after our Dr. looked at the readings, He called to tell us that Brooklynn is a very healthy baby, That's always good news to hear.

As for this waiting game that we have been playing, If she doesn't come naturally between now and then, I'm going to be induced on Sunday the 19th, We'll post pictures as soon as we get to that point. We're really looking forward to being parents.. Keep posted!


  1. I'm so sorry! That really sucks! Good luck! I know it's just miserable when you are that pregnant.

  2. I get to do the non-stress test every single week. So far I've done three. And they did OTHER fun things to me yesterday. Ew.

